How to Achieve A130% ROI From 1ha Chilli Pepper Production

Categories Articles, Reports

It is always a joy when the farmer is making money from a whole season’s sweat. Just as we always do. Sharing with all you need to be a successful farmer. This time, all the cost components for chilli production. This is the one-hectare chilli pepper production costs and benefits that got us 130% in ROI (Return On Investment)…

What we need to know ?

Most of the time, we overlook certain critical expenditures. So, we get stuck along the way, with financing. With something that could have been taken care of if it were captured in the budget. Then the benefits part. Don’t you think this is also a motivation for those who are scared of the outcome?


What do you have to do first?

  1. Find your buyers. This you have to do yourself.
  2. Follow and adapt all production steps and technologies. You can learn from the detailed Guide to Commercial Chilli Production.
  3. Then read on to know how much it costs. And be motivated by the returns. The One-Hectare Chilli Pepper Production Costs and Benefits gives all the information.

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