mega atlantics farms

Frequently Asked Questions

We believe that our strategic vision can only be achieved through strong partnerships with other players. We aim to leverage the expertise and influence of partners to help deliver lasting benefits to our business and other smallholder farmers.

Mega Atlantics Farms is a large scale farming company focused on Vegetables such as Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Chili pepper, Green pepeer, Cabage etc…

Mega Atlantics Farms is found and managed by passionate professionals who are committed to make positive impact in agricultural space. The founding team’ dream is backed by highly qualified and experienced agricultural experts whose close engagement with the farm and nature mitigates great amount of risks related to cultivation.

You as an individual or organization you can make a supply request from us by simply filling our online request form

Earning is based on a earning-sharing criterion and will depend on the farm you are buying. For example, if you are buying a cow farm with 15% projected earnings, at the end of the farm cycle you will receive a total of your principal amount plus the 15% projected earnings on your principal amount.

Earning is based on a earning-sharing criterion and will depend on the farm you are buying. For example, if you are buying a cow farm with 15% projected earnings, at the end of the farm cycle you will receive a total of your principal amount plus the 15% projected earnings on your principal amount.