7 common mistakes tomato farmers make

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Tomatoes are relatively easy to grow. But, during the growing period, a lot of challenges occur. To minimise losses, farmers need to take precaution and avoid making mistakes. Here are some of the common mistakes:

Wrong variety choice

Choosing the right variety is the first step towards succeeding. The prime consideration when choosing tomato variety relates to its vegetative growth habit. The next consideration is where you intend to plant your crop. Is it open field or greenhouse? If you are growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, choose from varieties bred specifically for that environment. The warmth and humidity that promote rapid plant growth in a heated greenhouse can also be favourable to fungi, bacteria, and other plant pathogens. If you are growing in the field, choose varieties resistant to the disease pressures known to affect tomatoes in your area.  

Failure to harden tomato seedlings

Hardening enables plant seedlings to adapt to changes in temperature or exposure to harsh weather conditions. Hardening can be done gradually increasing the seedlings exposure to natural weather four weeks before transplanting. If you overlook this stage, the shock of transplantation may stunt or even kill your tomato plants. 

Planting tomatoes in wrong places

Although there are plenty of places where you can grow tomatoes, not all are ideal. Consider aspects of climate and soil conditions. Think about sunlight as you pick a spot. Make sure your tomatoes are not in a particularly exposed location or they may be damaged by strong winds. If you are growing in containers, choose containers large enough to accommodate your plants. Make sure, wherever you grow tomatoes, their needs are met. Don’t plant them too close to other plants, or to each other. And don’t put them far away from the things you will need when tending them. Water and compost/ fertiliser bins should be as close by as possible. 

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